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Koningstraat 11

6644KH Ewijk


t - teléfono: 0487-521811


e - correo electrónico: info@vk-schadeautos.nl

i - internet: http://www.vk-schadeautos.nl

Ir a la página de la empresa


 Modelo: UP  1.0 BMT Move Up!

 Combustible: Gasolina

 Cilindrada del motor: 999  CC

 Transmisión: Cambio Manual

 Número de marchas: 5

 Procedencia: Países Bajos

  Año de fabricación / Mes: 2018 / 10

  Fecha ITV (APK): 29-11-2024

 Kilometraje: 72.598  KILóMETROS

  Precio de venta: € 3.450  IVA incluido

  Precio bruta exportación: € 2.900

  VAT. not applicable: € 2.400

  IVA / Margen: IVA

 Color: Blanco

 Carrocería: Con Portón Trasero / Hatchback

 Número de puertas: 5

 Peso: 834  KG

 Opciones: Aire acondicionado

   Reproductor audio cd

   Cierre centralizado

   Parachoques en el color de la carrocería

   Libro de instrucciones completo

   Verificación del kilometraje (NAP)

Daño delantero


Airbags delanteros averiados

 Detalles: Documentación matriculación del vehículo disponible

Please pay by bank, we do not accept 200 and 500 euro bills !

Minimum payment to buy is 20% of the total amount 


In the case of intra-Community supply of goods, we must receive at least the following information from you: Company papers with name of the person authorized to sign, valid EU VAT number, copy of the identification person authorized to sign and a minimum (down) payment of 20% of the bank account of the company in question.

For all VAT vehicles that go outside the EU, we use a deposit of 20% of the full invoice amount. Once you have informed us and we can verify that the vehicle has left the EU through the customs document provided, we will immediately refund your deposit.


ATTENTION: No form of guarantee, leniency, return, exchange, refund or complaint is possible on all our vehicles!

The vehicles offered are subject to writing and text errors. No rights can be derived from the advertised text.

To get a good picture of a vehicle, it is wise to come and see it or ask for an explanation by telephone.

General terms and conditions of sale apply to all vehicles sold.


¿desea más información sobre este vehículo?

T - TELéFONO: 0487-521811 0487521811 E - CORREO ELECTRóNICO: info@vk-schadeautos.nl

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